Thank you for showing interest in partnering with our firm to present an Estate Planning Seminar to your church family.
As you are aware, estate planning is necessary to the financial and physical wellbeing of a family. A trust protects assets, real estate, inheritances, and even the health of the members of a family. However, this sort of planning is often overlooked and ignored until it is all too late. The value and benefits that a trust affords a family may not be a dollar amount, but it definitely pays the family back in the time saved, privacy kept, avoidance of death taxes, and other such benefits.
It is the goal of Copenbarger & Copenbarger LLP to inform as many families as possible of the benefits of estate planning. Thus, we are thrilled to partner with you to present a seminar that will address this important topic.
It is our sincere hope that you will follow through with hosting an Estate Planning seminar with us. To get further information and to schedule your church’s event, please contact our Church Seminar Coordinator, David Z-Johnson, at (949) 833-1087 or