So, what does Medi-Cal cover?
Medi-Cal pays for health care services which meet the definition of “medically necessary.” Services include: some prescriptions (although the Medicare Part D program now covers most prescriptions), physician visits, adult day health service, some dental care, ambulance services, some home health, X-ray and laboratory costs, orthopedic devices, eyeglasses, hearing aids, some medical equipment, etc.
All covered services, or the remaining costs over the share of cost of nursing home care, will be covered if the individual meets income/resource requirements. Some services such as home health care, durable medical equipment, and some drugs require.
How we can help you to qualify for Long Term Care Medi-Cal Benefits?
The laws permit, under certain guidelines, the ability to reduce your resources to the required property limits. Giving property away is not the solution as there are penalties for transferring or gifting away non-exempt asset for the purpose of applying for Medi-Cal benefits. A transfer of a non-exempt asset can result in a period of ineligibility which is the lesser of 30 months or the value transferred divided by the average private pay rate at the time of application.
Medi-Cal applicants, beneficiaries and their spouse should know that Medi-Cal has laws that mandate the State of California to recover for monies expended on behalf of a Medi-Cal recipient. You do not want to get a bill for thousands of dollars from the Department of Health Services.
We at Copenbarger & Copenbarger understand the laws and we have helped hundreds of families qualify for Medi-Cal benefits. We know the laws and we know how to apply them.
California has not implemented the Federal Regulations that other states have implemented. Those regulations go by the acronym of the DRA rules. California is operating under older and more generous planning opportunities, once California implements the DRA regulations a lot of the current planning opportunities will cease to be available.
It is imperative, if you or anyone that you know, has the need to qualify for Medi-Cal, they should contact our office immediately.