Trust Administration
For most individuals, a Trust Administration can occur at the most unpleasant time: the incapacity or death of a family member or dear friend.
While our emotions are swirling, we can find ourselves left helpless because we are legally unable to make the necessary legal and financial decisions for that incapacitated family member or dear friend, or the grieving family members. This conundrum presents a multitude of unfamiliar tasks and complex actions related to the administration of a trust after someone has become incapacitated or has died.
Post-mortem trust administration consists of a variety of tasks that a Trustee must complete when managing and administering the trust for the benefit of the trust beneficiaries. These includes specific tasks spelled out in the trust document or tasks required of all trustees under state or federal law. The post-mortem administration of a trust is generally without Probate Court supervision.
Copenbarger & Copenbarger LLP can and will provide you with the help you will need to complete a Trust Administration properly, thoroughly, and efficiently.